A Quick Note
1) FAQs: You'll see the FAQ date in the sidebar alternate between red and green. If you're a frequent visitor, this will help alert you to new updates. When you link to the FAQ page you'll find the word NEW! ahead of new indexed entries. If NEW! appears in the same color as the most recent FAQ date, that entry has just been added. If NEW! appears in the alternate color, that entry was added earlier. Entries prior to the last two updates will no longer display the word NEW!
PLEASE view the FAQ pages whenever there is an update since the updates are responses to student questions OR are student responses to my posted questions. Students posting a new question will continue to receive my first response directly to their email, all others will continue to rely on the FAQ page. Confidential responses will continue to be emailed directly to all students.
2) SIDEBAR: The order of data contained in the left sidebar has been reorganized to bring BUAD477 references to the top and Archival links to the bottom. This should enable you to scan the blog more rapidly.
3) GUESTBOOK: I've added a guestbook in the middle of the left sidebar to enable visitors to comment about anything that moves them. I'm particularly interested in suggestions as to how I might make this blog more interesting and informative.
Please continue to read my posts and please respond to the questions I pose as they are highly relevant to the project and help to hone website focus. Many thanks.
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