Business Quest

Welcome to everyday adventures in my business life, including thoughts and feelings about a world within which all things are connected. This QUEST is a JOURNEY to share knowledge, a JUNKET to share enjoyment, and often times simply an OUTING among old friends and new acquaintances.

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Location: Hockessin, Delaware, United States

To Myers-Briggs I'm an INTJ on the cusp of an E. A war-orphan, I was raised an only child by my mother. Born into a family of engineers and inventors, I naturally gravitated to engineering; model railroading at age 5. By the time I left high school the railroad was well automated (back when mechanical relays and vacuum tubes prevailed.) Home was Gary, Indiana and while attending Purdue University I majored in Electrical Engineering, worked part-time and summers as a motor inspector at the Inland Steel 80" Hot Strip, where I found the air conditioning requirement of early automation equipment to be personally beneficial. I joined the DuPont Corporation as a Design Engineer and moved to Waynesboro, VA. (where in 1969 I automated the 1929 Acetate Chemical process using a Digital Equipment PDP 8E computer supervising five PDP14 industrial controllers -- the computer was programmed using a Teletype machine and paper tape!) I also had the pleasure of an assignment in Londonderry NI in 1973 followed by a move to Charleston, SC in 1976 to construct a fully automated polyester fiber facility (complete with industrial robots). But enough about me...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Marketing Update

"Well", you might ask, "if you guys are having so much fun exhibiting at trade shows, what's the next step?" We've been thinking about that and believe our most important next step is to respond quickly to EVERYONE who has expressed interest. During our first trade show interest was expressed in two ways:
1) folks stopped by and tossed a business card into the bowl, and
2) folks chatted us up with some serious conversation and gave us their card.
We immediately phone the folks having serious interest and have been very successful in scheduling meetings. In fact, those meetings have garnered firm requests for quote; "a consummation devoutly to be wished", (speaking of quotes!)

Now how do we professionally and efficiently follow up with a card from the casual visitor?

Here's what we're up to: Since practically everyone who drops a card also has an email address, we send them an email - not just text, hypertext, not just a letter, a newsletter. Every card in the bowl is mailed an introductory copy of Security Alert, our brand-new on-line newsletter. Take a look! This approach offers a rapid and professional response where we can:
1) see who opened the newsletter,
2) see how many who opened the newsletter clicked a link to a webpage, and
3) enables us to encourage immediate response with a free consultation and service offer. Will our project website need to be designed to accommodate this process? You betcha!


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