Marketing Update
1) folks stopped by and tossed a business card into the bowl, and
2) folks chatted us up with some serious conversation and gave us their card.
We immediately phone the folks having serious interest and have been very successful in scheduling meetings. In fact, those meetings have garnered firm requests for quote; "a consummation devoutly to be wished", (speaking of quotes!)
Now how do we professionally and efficiently follow up with a card from the casual visitor?
Here's what we're up to: Since practically everyone who drops a card also has an email address, we send them an email - not just text, hypertext, not just a letter, a newsletter. Every card in the bowl is mailed an introductory copy of Security Alert, our brand-new on-line newsletter. Take a look! This approach offers a rapid and professional response where we can:
1) see who opened the newsletter,
2) see how many who opened the newsletter clicked a link to a webpage, and
3) enables us to encourage immediate response with a free consultation and service offer. Will our project website need to be designed to accommodate this process? You betcha!
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